***The immunisation day has been postponed until further notice***
Each year the school hosts the local Health Board in providing pupils with immunisations
against a range of infections and viruses. This year, nurses and colleagues from Cwm Taf
Morgannwg will be in school on Wednesday 18th March for the day. On that day, your child
will receive immunisation against the following: a reinforcing dose of Tetanus; Diphtheria;
Polio; and Meningitis ACWY.
During the week commencing Monday 2nd March (next week), your child will be given a
personalised health pack and consent form which have been created by the Health board for
this purpose. The pack will contain information on the immunisations your child has received to
date in their life and further leaflets regarding these vaccines. We are sure you can appreciate the
importance of you returning the consent form to the school, whether you wish to agree or
disagree with your child receiving the immunisations offered.
Please could we ask that all consent forms are returned by your child to the Head of House
office by Monday 9th March. This will allow us to organise the day fully and ensure it is as
calm as possible for both your child and others in Year 9 who will be receiving the
immunisations – Thank you.