Summer Term

Welcome to the Summer Term newsletter!
We really hope you are enjoying our mobile friendly newsletter, which is the best way to enjoy all of our news in the palm of your hand.
It’s been an action packed term, with school trips, collaboration projects, plus sporting and arts events, a plenty. We recently enjoyed our student Strive Awards evening, which was a great reminder of the wonderful talent and hard-work our pupils display throughout the year. At Maesteg School there is so much to celebrate, and so let’s dive straight into our Summer newsletter.
#maesteg24 #motivatedtostrive

Welcome to our summer newsletter, a look back on a busy and exciting term at Maesteg School. I hope you enjoy this edition that is packed with plenty of news that begins with the celebrations at The Strive Awards. As ever, I am proud of the great efforts and endeavour that pupils, parents and staff have put in to making our school community the thriving place it is. I hope you have an enjoyable and restful summer break and I look forward to welcoming you back in September. HJ
Summer Term News: Let’s Go!

STRIVE AWARDS 2024 Celebrating the success and efforts of our students

Thursday 11th July was Maesteg School’s annual Strive Awards. An evening where we recognise the brilliance of our pupils and the support their families provide.

It was a fantastically well attended evening which is testament to the spirit and the commitment of our pupils to their school. Their enthusiasm was contagious and made the event even more special. As a school, we look forward to the endeavours of our pupils next year which I am sure will result in another fantastic evening. Thanks to all who attended and continue to support our school community!
A special shout out to former pupils Bethan Williams, Megan Curling and Sophie Thomas for their inspiring words to our students… forever #motivatedtostrive!
Spring into Summer…
Year 12 pupil Thomas Joyner, reflects on a wonderful Spring concert that kicked off the Summer term:
We made the decision to host Maesteg’s Spring concert as part of our Music BTEC course, which gave students at the school an opportunity to showcase their musical talents. The event aimed to foster a feeling of community whilst also bringing people together.
With performances by students from every year group, the evening was truly inclusive. The Orchestra impressed with their performances of The Best of Green Day and Capriccio Espagnol. The Cello Solo performed by Daniel Bevan, year 7, showed the outstanding talents of our younger students. In addition to the instrumental brilliance, the concert featured breathtaking vocal performances. A talented Year 13 soloist, Olivia Thomas, took to the stage, delivering a heartfelt rendition of Let It Be. Furthermore, a remarkable vocal group enthralled us with their wonderful rendition of SIX from Six the musical.
Both participants and audience members had a great time at the event, which was a huge success. Feedback from some of the staff members in attendance said that the performances “truly succeeded in showcasing the range of incredible musical talent we have in Maesteg”.
What a wonderful way to begin the summer term and showcase the incredible talent that we are nurturing at Maesteg School. Well done to all involved. For up to date news from Maesteg School’s Music department, follow on X (previously Twitter) using the link below:
Supporting Our Young Carers
“Maesteg has been working towards achieving this award with the help of Mrs Sullivan. The school are very lucky to have her as part of their team as she goes above and beyond to ensure all the young carers needs are met and they get the support they are entitled to. Well done to all at Maesteg School,” she added.
Are you a young carer? Do you look after, help, or support a family member or a friend who has a physical disability, a mental health issue (e.g. depression), a cognitive impairment (e.g. dementia), addiction to substances or any other health related condition? Perhaps there is a way we can support you? Find out more by visiting our young carers page using the link:
Grease is the word!
February 2025 will see Maesteg School return to the halls of Rydell High as we prepare for our next whole school production of ‘Grease‘. We can’t wait to dive back into the world of the ‘Pink Ladies‘ and the ‘T-Birds‘ it’s sure to be electrifying! “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s what you do with your dancin’ shoes”
After two incredible rounds of auditions, the cast is beginning to take shape as excitement builds for rehearsals in September. It will be great fun and a lot of hard work this autumn, but the reward will be an amazing production that we can all be proud of!
Left: Auditions went very well during July – who will our Pink Ladies be?!
Goodbye Year 11!
Year 11 have officially finished their final exams, and on Wednesday 12th June they had their Leavers’ Assembly. There were speeches from Mrs Jones, Mrs Matthews, Miss Hopkins-Weaver and each of the form tutors – there was lots of laughter, reflection and the odd tear. Pupils then signed each other’s shirts and had photos and cake. Here is an excerpt from Miss Hopkins-Weaver’s assembly: “I am so proud of every one of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the best year group I could wish for. You do not realise just how incredible you all are. I cannot wait to watch you change the world.”
Going for Gold: Duke of Edinburgh Awards
This year saw 2 cohorts of students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the biggest number of participants so far! With plenty going on for our D of E students, Miss Bourne gives us a re-cap of the summer term…
Bronze Award
Year 12 students were challenged by the terrain during their practice expeditions as they navigated around our local Llynfi Valley area. They started at The Royal Oak in Bryn, walked to Blue Pool, Maesteg Golf course and finally ended in Caerau. Having been sufficiently prepared for what to expect, they embarked on their qualifying expedition in the Gower, Swansea. They had the benefit of dry and sunny weather on the first day but experienced the true ‘British weather’ on the second day. All students thoroughly enjoyed their adventures and will be able to write about their achievements when they apply for universities, apprenticeships, and jobs. Da iawn pawb!
Silver Award
Year 10 students, having completed the Bronze Award in year 9, were invited to participate in the Silver Award. The practice expedition took place at the Gower in July, and the final expedition be held in Monmouthshire in September. We’re hoping for warmer and drier weather than we’ve experienced in the past, but all students will be packing wet weather gear just in case. This year, the participants faced a bigger challenge than the weather: they would need to fundraise the cost of the award in order to participate. Our target was £10,000. More below…
D of E: Raising Funds
Whether making decorations (£800 raised!) or throwing sponges at staff (£180 raised), our pupils have been working hard to make their Duke of Edinburgh dreams a reality. Sponsorship has played a huge part in our raising of funds, with a walk up Pen-y-fan in May and a sponsored silence at school raising a combined £1000, with another £300+ coming from bake sales and tournaments throughout the summer term.
A huge thank you to Oil4Wales who generously donated a signed Wales rugby shirt to be a raffle prize. Congratulations to the winner Khayden Forte who was presented the shirt by none other than Mr Ryan Elias!
We are happy to announce that we succeeded in achieving our fundraising goals this year – what a tremendous effort from the students and staff involved.
Maesteg School would like to take this opportunity to give special thanks to all those involved in supporting the fundraising efforts. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an opportunity for participants to improve important life skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. It will bolster their employability skills as they show commitment and dedication, resilience, and problem-solving skills. This opportunity can be out of reach for some students due to the cost, which is why we have worked tirelessly to ensure that our students don’t have to pay.
We would like to build a sustainable fundraising model so that all students will be able to access the award in future. If this is something you think you, your business, or a company you know can support us with, please get in touch with myself (Miss Bourne) via email – [email protected]
If you have any camping equipment that you no longer use and would like to donate it to us, we are looking for hiking boots, sleeping bags, tents, roll mats and waterproof coats and jackets. If you’re able to donate any equipment or can help with providing food for the expedition, please contact using the email address above.
Final Thanks
We would like to thank Welcome Break Charitable Fund for awarding us a grant that contributed to the cost of the award to students.
We would also like to thank The Ernest Cook Trust for funding that allowed us to pay for the transport costs of the trips this year. We couldn’t have got this far without the support of everyone involved, this has truly been a community project that will have a lasting impact on our pupils. RB
RPG at Maesteg School This is our story...
“The Adventurers Guild of the Llynfi Valley have had a busy year in Dungeons and Dragons club, meeting 3 times a week, every week, and this year we had Mr Lewis, Mr George and myself all running groups from every year group. The club has a lovely mix of years and friendship groups and they use the time to learn to work collaboratively as a team to solve problems, sometimes with diplomacy, sometimes with….. less diplomatic means.”
– Mrs Bond
“The club also helps students learn how to work with people they may not have chosen to work with, but have to help in order to help themselves, learning some important skills that will help them in future endeavors.”
“We have had dragons slain (after a hard fought 2 year campaign) despotic mayors deposed (and democracy brought in), innocents rescued, treasure found, monsters fought and crimes solved, all accompanied by lots of laughter and inside jokes. Onwards and upwards for next year!” – Mrs Bond
Some pupils are playing their final games before leaving us this summer, one being year 13 pupil Evan Goldsworthy who has applied to study Physics at Swansea university.
“I’ve been attending RPG club since year 7 and have enjoyed getting to know the members, having fun and using the gameplay to de-stress after a day of schoolwork. On occasion, friends have said the most hilarious things whilst in character which only enhanced the experience. As a year 13 pupil I will reflect fondly on my time playing D & D with my friends at Maesteg School. I will miss this group a great deal and want to thank the staff for creating a safe and fun environment for us to enjoy ourselves.” – Evan Goldsworthy
Farewell Year 13!
Our Class of 2024 said goodbye to us this term and will be back soon to pick up their a-level results. For a selection of photos from their last day, follow the link below.
We will miss you Year 13, what an incredible year group you have been – we wish you all the very best in your next adventures!
Remembering D-Day Together
Events across the county borough took place on June 6th, 2024, the 80-year anniversary of D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history. Codenamed ‘Operation Overlord’, more than 150,000 Allied troops landed on five beaches in Normandy using ships and landing craft, laying the foundations for Germany’s defeat in World War II (WWII).
The leaders of our school Senedd, Kyle Tomkins and Madison Delaney (photographed) were honoured to take part in the commemorative service that took place. “It was a great privilege to take part in the memorial commemorating the brave armed forces who served this country during the D-Day landings 80 years ago,” said Madison. “It was an honour to represent the school and remember the brave soldiers who risked their lives to protect this country.”
Mr Baston talks us through the Bridgend Cup Final, which saw our Year 9 boys bring home silverware:
David and Goliath, Tom and Jerry, Coke and Pepsi… Maesteg and Brynteg. These are some of the biggest rivalries the world has ever seen!
The story starts on the 12th of May 2022 when we triumphed over Brynteg in the Bridgend Cup Final…
Victory felt sweet. We continued our form with 4 wins in a row to reach the final a second year in a row.
It’s funny how defeat tastes worse than victory feels sweet; sometimes.
We knew we had to replicate how we felt in Year 7 so we trained, and worked and trained and worked. We put the hours in behind closed doors so that we would, once again, triumph.
As is tradition, I forgot to bring a ball. We wouldn’t be able to warm up. However the forethought of our left back meant that we had a ball (I say forethought, he was probably just remembering every single game we’ve attended where I forgot to bring a ball).
The game gets off to a nervous start with both teams struggling to break the deadlock. 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes pass without a goal.
We score a header from a corner and the game opens up. The boys come together as one and quickly score a second.
Half time – Maesteg 2 : Brynteg 0
2-0 is a comfortable lead but it is of little comfort when playing a team like Brynteg. We have been known to crumble and throw away a two-goal lead, so the next 10 minutes would be crucial.
Another goal
A scrappy goal leads to an extremely comforting 3-0 lead against one of the best teams in South Wales. What must that say about us?
Game over.
As the boys are celebrating, blasting music, singing, and dancing I am struck by an overwhelming sense of pride. Of course, I am proud of their victory, but I am prouder of the young men they are developing into. They are resilient, motivated, and extremely hardworking and I couldn’t be prouder of them.
“We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. It may even be necessary to encounter the defeat, so that we can know who we are.” – Maya Angelou
We are already wondering what next season will bring, but for now, well done boys… Mr Baston.
A Night of Celebration!
In June, the Expressive Arts Faculty welcomed everyone to a special evening where pupils showcased artworks and live performances to our community. Watch the video below for a taste of what was on offer. The evening was deemed a huge success with feedback from family and friends extremely positive. We hope to make this event a permanent fixture in the school calendar, being the perfect platform to share the hard work and talent of our pupils and staff. Many thanks to those who attended, your support is greatly appreciated! #motivatedtostrive
Seren Academy #AcademiSeren
Some of our #AcademiSeren learners took a trip to New College Oxford in June with Mr Haigh. Pupils enjoyed an inspirational visit that helped them to think about what higher education path they may like to take.
Year 10 pupil Ella thoroughly enjoyed the trip to Oxford, especially the tour of New College’s most famous spots. “We got to see where Harry Potter and Mamma Mia 2 were filmed,” she said. “That was quite something but I actually took a lot from the Q and A session with current university students,” added Ella. “The Oxford students spoke about what grades you might need, as well as describing the opportunities on offer to prospective students, such as the summer school where pupils can travel up from Wales and spend a week. The experience of this trip has definitely made me think about university and what my options are after sixth form, I’m feeling inspired to work hard and strive towards this type of goal. The opportunities are available to pupils in Wales and I enjoyed finding out all the information I needed to help plan my future.”
Spirit of The Llynfi:
An Awen Collaboration
Working Together
The Cynefin project, delivered by Awen Cultural Trust, unfolded as a collaborative artistic venture aimed at creating a musical composition inspired by Dan Lock’s poem, “Spirit of the Llynfi.” Students from Maesteg School and Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd, actively contributed to shaping the composition’s linguistic and cultural nuances, lending their rich musical talents to the project. Under the leadership of Screentales, this collective effort took form, with the generous help of the Maesteg Gleeman Choir. The final result is a collaboration that celebrates what it means to be from our valley, with reflections on our rich past and with a view to a bright future.
You can enjoy the video using the link below. Special thanks to Awen for curating such an important and impressive project.
This term Maesteg School pupils were thrilled to receive funding from the Arts Council Wales for a series of animation workshops. Bigfoot Wales joined us for 3 days of creative sessions enabling 70 pupils to enjoy workshops, learning new skills and creating their own stop motion animations. Pupils embraced each day of learning with enthusiasm and it’s safe to say, the results speak for themselves. What a fantastic experience! Our thanks to Bigfoot Wales for a wonderful learning experience. Please tap or click the video to enjoy the animations.
Year 7: Curiosity is the key!
Mrs. Joannou-Rebane, our Specialist Leader in Teaching and Learning, reflects on Year 7’s exploration of Alice in Wonderland this term:
This term Year 7 have been exploring curiosity as a learning disposition. At the beginning of the summer term we launched the disposition and the central text attached to this: Alice in Wonderland.
Students explored and reflected upon what it means to be curious, taking part in a range of activities linked to this. They also spent a day exploring the text Alice in Wonderland. We read key excerpts from the text and got creative with various main events from the novel. Students started with a scavenger hunt, made their own Alice going down the rabbit hole and designed a game to be played by the Queen of Hearts, amongst many other activities. Things have been getting “curiouser and curiouser” as the term has progressed with students exploring lots of weird and wonderful areas of their learning through different subjects. We hope they’ve enjoyed their exploration of curiosity and carry this forward in their learning next year. EJR
Year 7 Rugby Triumph
Year 7 Progress Leader Mr Davies, was impressed with the year 7 rugby boys who pulled off an impressive set of results on the way to the final.
“Year 7 took part in an incredibly competitive 7’s Tournament containing the vast majority of schools in the local borough.,” said Mr Davies. “Not only did the pupils represent our school and #MyTeam brilliantly, with exemplary behaviour, sportsmanship and resilience, but they only went and won the tournament!” He added.
“A perfect mix of potent attack and “Pack-of-dogs” mentality in defence resulted in 188 points scored and only 29 points conceded across the entire day. A phenomenal effort from all involved and something we as a school, and me as a Head of Year, are incredibly proud of! Six Nations next!”
Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith Welsh at Maesteg School
The Siarter Iaith (Welsh Language Charter) is a project for schools that was, introduced by the Welsh Assembly to work towards the target of 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050. The purpose of the Siarter Iaith is to promote the Welsh language and to develop a Welsh ethos in all schools. Encouraging pupils, staff and the wider community can further develop their Welsh language skills and increase awareness of Welsh culture and heritage within their area and worldwide.
Maesteg School are proud to announce that we have just received the silver award! You can learn more about the language charter and how we achieved this award by visiting our webpage here.
Criw Cymraeg a dosbarthiadau blwyddyn 7 wedi mwynhau’r twmpath gyda dawnswyr Pen-y-bont!
Criw Cymraeg and year 7 classes enjoyed their folk dancing workshop with Bridgend dancers!
Re-live the live action, tap or click the button below:
Transition: Welcome Year 6!
Our Year 9 Active Young People Department (AYPD) Wellbeing Team have created a video to inform Year 6 pupils about life at Maesteg School. Join our AYPD pupils as they guide you through each faculty, with helpful information along the way:
Transition Talent
Year 5 and 6 pupils from cluster primary schools gathered at Maesteg School to put on a show! As part of our transition program, our visitors joined forces with Maesteg pupils to great effect, creating a special and diverse orchestra that impressed a small audience this June.
This term, I had the chance to organise a string transition event aimed at year 5 & 6 pupils from our cluster. There was a resounding turnout and the pupils had a chance to play a range of songs including ‘Spy Movie’ and ‘Broadway or Bust.’ Pupils from year 7 & 8 helped to make this collaboration event a special one indeed. The students participated in a range of warm up activities in order to prepare them for a final performance in front of our Headteacher, Mrs Helen Jones.. It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and positivity of the students and I hope this event prepared them for their transition to Maesteg School’s Orchestra. I look forward to seeing year 6 pupils in September and working with them again in such a creative and enjoyable way. – Tom Joyner, Head boy
Enjoy some of the performance from our event, below:
Transition Information:
If you missed any of our transition events or just want to re-cap over the powerpoint, you can find all information related to transition in the dedicated part of our website:
Battle of the Bands 2024
On Wednesday July 10th two bands from Maesteg School took part in the final of BCBC peripatetic services annual Battle of the Bands competition. With thanks to Simon from Bridgend Music Service for the photographs.
Downcast consisting of Travis Hanbury on bass and vocals, Connor Blackmore on electric guitar and vocals and Kieran Roberts (all year 10) on drums kit started the show with a brilliant set which consisted of three original songs written by the band. They always bring a smile to the listener with an upbeat style and charismatic performance. The second band from Maesteg School to perform was a relatively new combination of pupils combining to create Thawn. Dylan Norris as lead vocals and on electric guitar, Tia Harcombe on lead guitar, Kate Roberts on bass guitar and Miles Davies (from Cynffig comp) on drums. They performed two original songs written by themselves and two covers showing versatility. Both bands came away with one of the hotly contested titles: Dylan being awarded best vocalist and Kieran and miles sharing best drummer as the judges couldn’t split them. Both bands were supported by many other year 10 pupils and parents ensuring that the cheers for Maesteg School bands were the loudest there! Mrs Rees and Drew their guitar teacher also joined in at the top of their voices! Well done to our gifted and hard-working musicians on their memorable performances.
Dylan Norris
Lead Vocals, Guitar
Kate Roberts
Bass Guitar
Tia Harcombe
Lead Guitar
Travis Hanbury
Lead Vocals, Bass
Connor Blackmore
Lead Guitar, Vocals
Kieran Roberts
Crochet Club: Maesteg School Woollies!
Our resident ‘Woollies’ would like to thank Emma from ‘Stitches + Sprinkles’ who kindly donated two sacks of wool this term! Our club meets weekly to crochet, knit and put the world to right! Thanks to Emma’s generous donation, we have lots of wool to keep us going well into next term.
Sixth Form admin and pastoral care Mrs Norris started the group in September with the aim to share her crocheting skills and bring together staff and pupils for a good dose of wellbeing!
“I love to unwind with my friends after a long school day,” said year 10 pupil Sophie Davies. “I’ve been learning stitches and building my confidence each week,” she added.
“I’m currently making a starfish,” said year 10 pupil Rebeka Bakk. “I enjoy the supportive environment Mrs Norris has created, and want to carry on crocheting until I eventually leave school! I really want to make a top or dress next – something to wear that I’ve made with my own hands.”
“I encourage everyone to come along and learn a new skill,” added Mrs Norris. “We inspire each other with our stories and our creativity. It’s a lovely group to be a part of and our young people set the tone with their eagerness to learn and support of one another.”
Wellbeing + Sports Day 2024
The final day of term was a sun-filled celebration, with our annual Sports Day and Wellbeing Day rolled into one!
The sports field was the focal point for the athletic competitions, with pupils breaking personal records and enjoying the fierce competition.
Our wellbeing day is also a chance for Maesteg School to support local charitable organisations. Pupils savoured the wonderful weather as they walked the boundaries to raise funds for Special Families and The Wallich.
Wellbeing activities were available to pupils throughout the day, with a festival vibe in the air, pupils soaked up the live music and embraced the entertainment and recreation on offer. We can’t think of a better way to end term, with pupils and staff in high spirits as they headed into the summer break! Thank you to staff and outside organisations for providing our pupils such a positive experience once again. Enjoy a selection of pics from the day on Instagram:
A-Level Results 2024
All members of the Maesteg School family wish each and every one of our Year 13 pupils congratulations and are thrilled to see their hard work and plans come to fruition. For more reaction, click or tap the link:
GCSE Results 2024
Results can be collected on Thursday 22.8.24, from 9am- 12pm. Staff will be available to pupils and parents in the main hall. We can’t wait to celebrate your fantastic achievements with you.
That's A Wrap! #maesteg24 #motivatedtostrive
We hope you enjoyed our Summer Term newsletter, thank you for taking the time to catch up with our latest news. Look out for reaction to GCSE Results 2024 this week, and enjoy the rest of your summer break. We look forward to seeing you in September for the start of the new term.
Contact Us:
Let us know if you enjoyed our latest newsletter or how we could improve it. Reach out using the link: Contact Us – Ysgol Maesteg (