H O W A R E Y O U F E E L I N G ?
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Photography Movement invited 10-18 year olds from across the UK to watch the Show and Tell workshop films, practice their new mindful photography skills and bring their emotions to life with a photograph for the Show and Tell exhibition.
A staggering 22,000 submissions were received in response to our brief ‘How Are You Feeling?’ Every single photo and emotion received was equally valued and important. 13 pupils from Maesteg School had work selected for the Show and Tell exhibition which was chosen by a selection of celebrity judges.
These extraordinary words and photos are their story of an endless pandemic and how it really feels to be young and in lockdown.
Maesteg School pupils took up the challenge to explore their feelings around ‘lockdown life’ by picking up their cameras and having their say. They explored their emotions during the pandemic, and used their creative and visual language to communicate with a wider audience about what has mattered to them during these strange times. Click for a video to explain in more detail about what the Show & Tell campaign was all about.

As well as the 13 pupils from Maesteg School that had work selected for the Show and Tell exhibition which was chosen by a selection of celebrity judges.
We also have the fantastic news that Jessica Lamb won a Judges Choice award and her work is live on bus stops and billboards across the UK this Spring/Summer. Her work will be along side a quote from the judge who chose her work, Daisy Lowe. You may see Jessica’s work around Cardiff and the Vale, so do keep a lookout. Jessica was also mentioned in an article on the Daily Mail Online, displaying her photograph titled ‘World flipped upside down.’
Below you’ll find our 13 finalists, please click on a photograph to enjoy the whole picture. A huge congratulations once again to our pupils who have shone a light on how we’ve all been feeling this pandemic.