It’s now more important than ever that we understand how our pupils are coping so that we are able to respond to their evolving health and wellbeing needs.
Update: 20/7/20
We are pleased to be able to share with you our current findings from the Health and Wellbeing survey recently completed by our pupils. This survey was anonymous and allowed us to collect information specific to each year group and gender. It was created in order for us to gain a clearer understanding of how our pupils are coping during this current situation and managing their time while at home.
Please click here for Year 7 results and information. You can find the Year 7 support sheet here.
Please click here for Year 8 results and information. You can find the Year 8 support sheet here.
Please click here for Year 9 results and information. You can find the Year 9 support sheet here.
Please click here for Year 10 results and information. You can find the Year 10 support sheet here.

Click this link to read a PDF of the original letter: Health and Wellbeing Home School Survey Letter home
Over the forthcoming weeks Maesteg School will be participating in a Health and Wellbeing Home School Survey. It’s now more important than ever that we understand how our pupils are coping so that we are able to respond to their evolving health and wellbeing needs. The survey has been built by EduKit who have partnered with SchoolDash to offer a short anonymous pupil survey which takes approximately 3 minutes to complete and can be easily answered at home and on any device.
The short survey seeks to understand how our pupils are managing at home during the current situation. The answers given are anonymous but also allow pupils to add their name and any additional questions they may have at the end if they would like a teacher to contact them.
Our pupils’ participation in this survey will allow us as a school to use its findings to help staff prepare accordingly for when pupils are back with us this summer term, they will also help us inform our health and wellbeing curriculum as well as guiding us when implementing further support where needed during this time. The survey link can be accessed via the school website, school twitter page and ‘Show my Homework’ platform.
We as a school are dedicated to ensuring that the wellbeing needs of our pupils are of the upmost priority and we hope that you will be happy for your child to support us in our on-going commitment to this.
Click here to take part in the survey.