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Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg

Ysgol Maesteg

Siarter Iaith

During the academic year of 2023 our school achieved the wobr efydd in the Siarter Iaith. The Siarter Iaith (Welsh Language Charter) is a project for schools that was, introduced by the Welsh Assembly to work towards the target of 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050.

Criw Cymraeg

Join our Welsh Club at Maesteg School

Help My Child

Supporting your child’s language development

Tripiau: Llangrannog

Welsh language experiential learning 

Why Learn Welsh?

Identity, culture and keeping your brain healthy!



During the academic year of 2023 our school achieved the wobr efydd in the Siarter Iaith. 

The Siarter Iaith (Welsh Language Charter) is a project for schools that was, introduced by the Welsh Assembly to work towards the target of 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050. The purpose of the Siarter Iaith is to promote the Welsh language and to develop a Welsh ethos in all schools. Encouraging pupils, staff and the wider community can further develop their Welsh language skills and increase awareness of Welsh culture and heritage within their area and worldwide.

As a school we are now working towards the silver award.*

You can follow the recent activities of the Criw Cymraeg on X (Twitter) by following: @CriwCymraegMSC

Yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd 2023 fel ysgol rydym wedi llwyddo i ennill y wobr efydd y Siarter Iaith. 

Mae’r Siarter iaith yn brosiect i ysgolion a chyflwynir gan y Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn gweithio tuag at y nod o greu 1 miliwn o siaradwyr Gymraeg erbyn 2050. Pwrpas y prosiect yw hyrwyddo’r iaith Gymraeg a hybu ethos Cymru o fewn yr ysgol. Yn annog disgyblion, rhieni, staff ar gymuned ehangach i ddatblygu eu sgiliau ac ymwybyddiaeth o hanes a diwylliant Cymraeg eu hardal a ledled y byd. 

Fel ysgol, rydym nawr yn gweithio tuag at ennill y wobr arian.*

Gallech chi ddilyn gweithgareddau diweddaraf y Criw Cymraeg gan ddilyn nhw ar drydar Criw Cymraeg Ysgol Maesteg (@CriwCymraegMCS) / X

UPDATE: We are excited to announce that we have just been awarded silver! More news to follow…

Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg

Learn more about The Language Charter

Dysgwch fwy am y Siarter Iaith. 

Follow the link to visit the GOV.WALES website:

See more

Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg
Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg

How can I help my child? Sut gallai helpu fy mhlentyn?

The Criw Cymraeg have created our LLyfryn Dysgu Cymraeg or Learn Welsh Booklet with you in mind. 

Practice using cymraeg pob dydd (everyday welsh) at home to grow in confidence using welsh language.

You can access a PDF of our booklet using the link below.

Pupil Voice / Llais y dysgwyr:

“Criw Cymraeg has given me confidence and pride in my Welsh identity. It has also helped enhance my Welsh speaking skills” 

Mickey Richards 

Dyma ni Criw Cymraeg Maesteg 

Here we are! Maesteg Criw Cymraeg

Beth sy’n digwydd?

What’s happening at Maesteg School?

Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg
Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg

Welsh Club – Criw Cymraeg

Diwnrod Shwmae Su’mae

Diwnrod Shwmae Su’mae

Pupils to speak Welsh with staff and friends around the school. Pupils to be awarded ‘CYMRAEG’ point on SIMS. Award given to the pupil with most Welsh points.
Dydd Miwsig Cymru

Dydd Miwsig Cymru

Celebrate by singing Welsh songs. Listen to Welsh music. Live music in the music rooms at lunch and break.
Diwnrod Santes Dwynwen

Diwnrod Santes Dwynwen

Have a photo with our Instagram page, write an appreciation letter to a friend or teacher. Decorate cookies and learn about the story of Dwynwen.


Trip Blwyddyn 8 i Langrannog - Year 8 trip to Llangrannog Year 8 pupils to gain real life experiences of using the Welsh language outside of the classroom in a fun environment.

Pupils to hear the language being spoken by others.

Trip Blwyddyn 9 i Baris a Wlad Belg – Year 9 trip to Belgium and Paris

Pupils to visit the Welsh Graves in Ypres. Pupils to visit Heddwyn’s grave, linked to their studies.

Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg

Our Award: Tystysgrif

This is our Bronze award, we are currently working towards Silver.

We have a Bilingualism policy available to read here.

You can also check out our Welsh Calendar of events using the button below:

Pam mae dysgu Cymraeg yn bwysig? 

Why is learning Welsh important?

Here’s what the research shows: 

Cymraeg: Siarter Iaith – Welsh at Maesteg

 1. It keeps your brain fit and healthy! 

  • Speaking another language makes your brain more creative 
  • It may help you to learn other skills easier-like playing an instrument 
  • It increases the amount of time you can concentrate for 
  • Your brain is healthier when you get old 

 2. It will help you learn other languages more easily! 

  • When you can speak two languages it is easier for your brain to learn more 
  • People who speak two languages can go on to learn many more 

 3. It helps you do better at school 

  • It improves your memory so you can remember more information 

4. It gives you a sense of Welsh identity and culture! 

  • Speaking Welsh helps you to understand the street and place names around you-lots have special meanings that you may otherwise have missed! 
  • It gives you a sense of belonging to Wales and its history