British Science Week is a celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, taking place March 2021 – Join us as we share exciting learning resources and hopefully inspire the you to become a part of #GenerationScience
Each day there will be an exciting demonstration to engage and enthuse students in Science. For each demonstration, there will be resources that you can share with students to access at home; from practical experiments to fun educational worksheets – find out more via the #BSW2021 Teams page here.
We invite all students to share pictures via the Science Department Twitter @MaestegScience.
Saturday 6.3.21 // Visit the Teams page to learn more about the geological wonders of our Jurassic coastline with a PowerPoint and dinosaur footprint quiz.
Sunday 7.3.21 // Enjoy our Star Trails video along with a PowerPoint and Kahoot Quiz via Teams.
Monday 8.3.21 // Let our Science Department demonstrate their smoking bubbles – How did they do that?!
Watch the video and check out the resources on Teams to find out more!

Tuesday 9.3.21 // HOMEMADE LAVA LAMP! Let our Science Department demonstrate how to make a homemade lava lamp… Watch the video and check out the resources on Teams to find out more!
Tuesday 9.3.21 // FIRE BUBBLES!
Let our Science Department demonstrate their Methane fire bubbles – How did they do that?!
Watch the video and check out the resources on Teams to find out more!
Wednesday 10.3.21 // BATH BOMB! Let our Science Department demonstrate their DIY Bath Bomb – How did they do that?! Watch the video and check out the resources on Teams to find out more!
Thursday 11.3.21 // RAINBOW CRYSTALS!
Here’s our Science Department demonstrating ‘Rainbow Crystals’ – How did they do that?!
Watch the video and check out the resources on Teams to find out more!
Friday 12.3.21 // ELEPHANT’S TOOTHPASTE!?
Here’s our Science Department creating some rather spectacular Elephant’s toothpaste – How did they do that?!
Watch the video and check out the resources on Teams to find out more!