Reaction to this years results day.
Year 11 Maesteg School pupils had every reason to be congratulated today as they picked up their GCSE results. Even before school lockdown and the eventual way in which their results were calculated, this year group were on track to achieve an outstanding set of results, in line with their hard work, resilience and strength of character. Each pupil should remember that, as with any other year, they have earned their results through their consistent hard work in each of their subjects and determination to achieve their very best.
Results’ day was always going to be strange for a year group who ‘left school’ on March 20th with only 24 hours’ notice and then learnt that they would not be sitting exams. Today, the usual nerves and anxiety all pupils feel on a day like this soon gave way to calls of well-deserved congratulations and excitement for the future. A well done to each and every one of our pupils and we look forward to celebrating their successes as they embark on the next chapter of their life.
We caught up with some of the pupils as they received their results this morning – Here is what a few of them had to say:
GCSE Results Day 2020 // Maesteg School
If you are seeking further advice after receiving your results then you may find the following links useful:
Results and clearing: A mental health guide for prospective students – Click here.
Children’s Commissioner for Wales: In response to Results Day – Click here.
Childline: Feeling unhappy with your results? – Click here.
Samaritans Cymru: 116 123 (24/7) or to speak in Welsh 0808 164 0123 (daily 7 pm-11pm)