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Tips for wellbeing when learning from home

Tips for wellbeing when learning from home
  1. Create a home learning plan in order to have a clear routine with some structure to your day.
  2. Wake up every morning with your alarm and dress as if going to school – this will help you feel organised and motivated for the day ahead.
  3. Stay hydrated & eat healthy food to boost your immune system – it’s important to remain in good health at this time.
  4. Limit your personal screen time as on line school work is increased.
  5. Learn something new, do something creative and set yourself a challenge each week.
  6. Find a fun way to complete exercise every day – see Joe Wicks PE homework on SMH or search YouTube for ‘Joe Wicks 30-minute exercise’
  7. Go for a walk and get some fresh air every day if you can.
  8. Think of others; be kind and help those who need it most.
  9. Turn off the Television and don’t obsess over negative media.
  10. Spend time with your family – sit down and eat dinner with them. Enjoy their company.
  11. Participate in mindfulness strategies e.g. Headspace app, Cosmic Kids Zen Den.
  12. There are lots of different pod casts and apps on line.  Have a look and find out what suits you.
  13. Connect with others; set up video calls, keep in contact with friends and family.
  14. Speak to someone if you are struggling- we are social beings so it’s normal to find this situation hard
  15. Just Dance; use YouTube for Just Dance videos and dance like nobody is watching.
  16. Have regular breaks from your home learning to remain relaxed.
  17. Get active and creative – draw, paint, sew, write and do something that makes you smile.
  18. Stay in contact with your teachers via e mail if you need support or help with work. Remember they are here, should you need them.
  19. Read a book, complete a puzzle- whatever it takes. Keep your brain active with activities you enjoy.
  20. Bake – check out the nutrition lessons on SMH for recipes! There are also lots of recipes on line to try.  Post pictures and share with your friends, family and teachers. 
  21. Help out in the garden- get your vitamin D!

“ The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance”